Civil Assist native planting at Whāngārā Farms Tapuwae Whitiwhiti

Following on from successful native planting in previous years, the Civil Assist team are back at coastal Tapuwae Whitiwhiti planting, maintaining and protecting native trees on the retired from farming block this month.
As part of their undertaking to provide volunteer resources that benefit te taiao (the environment), Civil Assist have been working in and around this block for several years, continuing to hold strong to the importance of the regions’ environmental wellbeing.
Retired land blocks throughout Whāngārā Farms that are no longer suitable or viable for farming continue to be tagged for revitalisation through the planting of native trees and therefore, restoring native bush. The natural restoration is also about learning from past missteps, with all business decisions of Whāngārā Farms impacting on te taiao taking into consideration whether the organisation is upholding the mana and mauri of the whenua, the mana and mauri of our people, and if the decision provides prosperity whilst upholding the organisational values rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and whanaungatanga.
Civil Assist’s expertise covers a wide range of engineering disciplines, leveraging their experience to achieve the objectives of their clients. As a team, their commitment is to engineer a sustainable future achieved through seeking out innovative solutions. Civil Assist’s planting of native trees on Whāngārā Farms’ land blocks is part of a bigger picture to futureproof the land for future generations. The volunteer planting and protection process is a collaborative move to revive the entire ecosystem, not just plant and bring back trees.
From everyone at Whāngārā Farms, the organisation thanks Civil Assist for their mahi and contribution to the environmental wellbeing of our whenua.
Ray Leach Whāngārā Farms Business Manager commented; “It was great to catch up with the crew from Civil Assist again. Andrew Lawton (Director) introduced me to his team who were from Chile, India and Fiji. They are very dedicated to this kaupapa and it is heartwarming when people care so much for the whenua”.
Take a look at the fantastic images and video shared by Civil Assist of their time planting at Tapuwae Whitiwhiti throughout early September.