Changing of the guard at Whāngārā Farms Partnership
Whāngārā Farms celebrates the appointment of Hayden Swann as Board Chair of the Whāngārā Farms Partnership

Following the Whāngārā Farms Board meeting yesterday (Thursday 21 November 2024), the Board confirmed Hayden’s appointment, along with the appointment of Deputy Chair, Anakura Kingi-Taumaunu, both supported by the ongoing leadership and experience of Pene Brown. The appointments are effective from Friday 22nd November 2024.
The Board expresses their deepest gratitude for the unwavering guidance, leadership and dedication of former Chair, Ingrid Collins. The Board acknowledges the remarkable achievements Ingrid has led since the Partnership's inception in 2006, as well as the tremendous influence and leadership she has shown throughout te iwi Māori. The Whāngārā Farms Partnership Board, led by Hayden, looks forward to building on this legacy into the future.
Hayden is well known to the Whāngārā Farms, Whāngārā community and Tairāwhiti region at large with whānau and whakapapa connections to Ngāti Konohi, Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongowhakaata and Ngāi Tai. Hayden’s leadership and governance experience spans more than 25 years and includes international roles that ripple throughout multiple sectors, including primary industries, Māori governance, investment, whenua Māori and education.
Hayden is an experienced director, board member and trustee, currently holding directorships at Ngāti Porou Forest Limited, Ngāti Porou Land Trust and Tūranga Ngahere LP, and a Trustee of Eastern and Central Community Trust, Federation of Māori Authorities (FOMA) and Tairāwhiti Whenua Charitable Trust. He is also the Pou Herenga Advisory to the Climate Change Commission and a member of the Beef and Lamb NZ Kahui Māori. He is currently the Principal of Makaraka School, and Chair of Mangaotane Farm Trust and Poverty Bay Rugby Union, and Executive of the Poverty Bay A&P Association.
“With all humility, it is an absolute honour to be chosen to lead the Board of Whāngārā Farms Partnership. I have had the pleasure of sitting amongst the wisdom of Māori leadership for a couple of decades, listening, learning, observing and absorbing the nuances of Māori Incorporations and Ahuwhenua Trusts. Those experiences and teachings will stand me in a strong position to lead Whāngārā Farms into the future, building on the legacy of the kaitiaki before me, especially Ingrid Collins, with whom I have the utmost respect.”
Hayden expresses his commitment and passion for the important position of guardianship and organisational values of kaitiakitanga, rangatiratanga, whanaungatanga and kotahitanga that drive not only Whāngārā Farms but all Māori Incorporations. Not only will Hayden’s wealth of knowledge of the agricultural and primary industries be important but also his knowledge in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, mātauranga Māori, kaupapa Māori, governance and management will be vital for the role of Board Chair.
“Farming has been going through a rough time of late with low sheep commodity prices and infrastructure damage from weather events. Moving forward, the sheep outlook is improving and there is positivity as repairs and recovery work is starting to bear fruit. This is also an exciting time with our Whenua Optimisation Plan, He Rau Ake Ake gathering momentum as an innovative approach to a flourishing farming operation and taiao. Ae ra, toitū te whenua, toitū te tangata!”
Outgoing Whāngārā Farms Partnership Board Chair and current Board Chair of Whāngārā B5 of 50 years, Ingrid Collins, congratulates Hayden Swann on his appointment.
“Whāngārā is alive, and it is inside our beating heart. As its guardians, we have protected the richness of our land for future generations. Hayden is devoted to that intergenerational vision, and we are fortunate to have him bringing his vision and approach that will uplift our people. What an honour for Whāngārā Farms, and all of Whāngārā.”
For media enquiries, please contact:
Toni Akana, Communications Specialist
info@whāngārā | 021 022 04172
About Whāngārā Farms:
Whāngārā Farms is a partnership made up of three Māori Incorporations, Whāngārā B5, Pakarae A and Other Blocks, and Tapuwae Whitiwhiti on the East Coast of the North Island. The total farming area is 8,500ha and runs approx. 80,000 stock units of sheep and beef.
Whāngārā Farms is committed to driving growth and excellence in New Zealand's Agribusiness sector. With the appointment of Hayden Swann as Board Chair, the company is poised to strengthen its position as a global leader in sustainable farming.